The smoke is mostly gone and firefighting crews are mopping up the Pipeline fire. Twice now, families have fled before the flames, carrying a few possessions as they wait to hear whether their homes have survived. I have an acquaintance who one of those who lost her home – there is nothing left but charred beams and ashes. She survived with her husband and dog, a few pieces are her artwork and her Bible. We were recently talking about how we apply our faith to the difficult times that come our way. She looked a little haunted as she said she would run. We all knew she was thinking about the fire consuming her home. Then I caught a glimpse of her Bible. No wonder she chose to save it.
She has been a committed Christian for a few years now. She wanted a ‘pretty Bible’. She smiles, saying God knew she would read her Bible before she began to illustrate it. He wants us to read his Word and learn from Him. Then she turned to this page.
Here we find the storm just as the Bible relates. A group of terrified men caught in the howling wind and storm-tossed waves. The illustration reminds her that even in the middle of turmoil, Jesus is there – the calm in the middle of the storm. This is not her only illustration. I hope she does more. You can find Jeanne’s work at the Artist Gallery in downtown Flagstaff.